Monday, May 17, 2010

Update May 17, 2010

Legislative Update May 18, 2010

HB 1 – Budget (OPPOSE)

· Includes cost savings measures of consolidation, downsizing, and privatization of state run services (developmental centers and group homes)

· Includes 150 new NOW slots

· Includes a 3.1% CUT to all Medicaid services

· Scheduled to be voted on in Appropriations committee on May 19th

HB 1185 – Long term care bill (as of 5/18/10) (SUPPORT)

· Allows DHH to move forward with implementation of the Resource Allocation Model.

· Allows DHH to allocate the TYPE of waiver (NOW, Children’s Choice, ROW, etc.) based on need.

· Allows DHH to implement a LTC pilot program.

· Requires DHH to develop a formula for determining the number of monitoring and regulatory staff needed to oversee home and community based waiver services.

· Passed House Health and Welfare and House Floor. Will move next to Senate Health and Welfare.

HB 959 – Moratorium on implementation of the Resource Allocation Model (OPPOSE)

· Puts a moratorium on implementation of the Resource Allocation Model

· Voluntarily deferred by the author.

H.B. 1460 - Special Needs Trusts (SUPPORT)

· Will allow state civil service employees to name a special needs trust as the beneficiary to their LASERS retirement benefit.

· Currently when state civil service employees retire they cannot name a trust as the beneficiary and must name an INDIVIDUAL. This is particularly troublesome because many state employees have children with disabilities and rely on a special needs trust to help care for their child after their death while preserving other benefits that may be available to them.

· Will move next to the Senate Retirement Committee.

HB 865 – Waiver benefits for military personnel (SUPPORT)

· Allows recipients of waiver services who are called to duty to be placed first on the waiting list when they return to the state of Louisiana.

· Passed House and will move next to Senate Health and Welfare.

HB 732, 1343, and 1394 – Corporal Punishment in elementary and secondary schools (Several bills that all involve this same issue)

· 732 deferred

· 1343 protects children with disabilities from corporal punishment. Bill passed through the Education committee and is pending passage in the House. (SUPPORT)

· 1394 allows parents to opt out, but does not exclude children with disabilities. Bill has been referred to House Education Committee.

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